Saturday, February 9, 2008

Layoff notification

The original purpose of this blog was to: a) write about the problems and dilemmas that are facing modern Israeli women of today; b) write and English blog that will be read by my English speaking relatives abroad (in addition to my Spanish blogs :) ; c) self-check my English writing skills (due to the fact that till the present day I have defined English as a passive language and not an active one). ).

Yet, I have found comfort and solace writing about my experiences on the young Tel-Aviv arena of dating and nightclubbing…

Being a woman at her late thirties, I already know that life is full of surprises and unexpected events… less than two months ago 39% of our company's shares were bought by new shareholders… a big announcement was made, there was a BIG party with a famous Israeli band and lots of dancing, good energies and hopes were spread around, and then, all of a sudden about 8 employees were dismissed to their homes…. Me among them (the SEO team was dismissed and its services will be performed by an outsourcing company that belongs to one of the new shareholders…)

It is NOT NICE to get a layoff notification, not nice at all, but I guess this is one of the aspects of the High Tech arena…

Maybe my future posts will be about my interviews…

flowers for everybody