Tuesday, November 27, 2007

some reflections based on the "club episode"

I would resume the dance bar experience stating that there was no place to seat or dance, the place was overcrowded and people drunk there lots of alcohol.

Back at the office I asked some members of the younger generation if they enjoyed that kind of outing and they answered that (a) in order to be in the mood it is mandatory to drink a minimal amount of alcohol (b) the main objective of being at these places is to meet members of the opposite sex and (c) they DO NOT REALLY enjoy these outings…
A female coworker told me that one of the main attractions of this sort of entertainment is that you know "how the outing begins, but not how it ends", i.e., you never know with whom you are going back home…

[!!!@@@@&&&&!!! – SIN PALABRAS – NO COMMENT – BLANK ]

It took me a few minutes to process this info, but then I thought that I would NOT consider even kissing a stranger … let's see, he is a stranger after all, I do not know anything about him, we have not been properly introduced, HE might have [oral] HERPES, for evens sake ! …

[I have the feeling that I am a kind of "slow starter" for these adventures],

Let's see… mmmm, imagine I kiss the barman or the guy with the intense glance and enjoy the experience… then I get home and my lips began to feel sore, what happens next? Besides, the sexiest guys are the ones that kiss often many women, so, statistically speaking, the odds of them incubating herpes would be higher; maybe I should consider asking him in advance whether he is a "safe kisser", or, else, try to look closely into his lips texture in order to find traces of something "fishy"(literally speaking... )

A certain feeling of stress and uneasiness is getting me now, I do not really think this is the kind of anticipation excitement that characterizes a pre-kissing mood… I am beginning to think that I would NOT enjoy kissing a stranger in a dance bar after all…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

daphne, please kiss me, I DO NOT have herpes

the barman